Bump allocation

Now that we can get blocks of raw memory, we need to write objects into it. The simplest way to do this is to write objects into a block one after the other in consecutive order. This is bump allocation - we have a pointer, the bump pointer, which points at the space in the block after the last object that was written. When the next object is written, the bump pointer is incremented to point to the space after that object.

In a twist of mathematical convenience, though, it is more efficient to bump allocate from a high memory location downwards. We will do that.

We will use a fixed power-of-two block size. The benefit of this is that given a pointer to an object, by zeroing the bits of the pointer that represent the block size, the result points to the beginning of the block. This will be useful later when implementing garbage collection.

Our block size will be 32k, a reasonably optimal size arrived at in the original Immix paper. This size can be any power of two though and different use cases may show different optimal sizes.

pub const BLOCK_SIZE_BITS: usize = 15;
pub const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 1 << BLOCK_SIZE_BITS;

Now we'll define a struct that wraps the block with a bump pointer and garbage collection metadata:

pub struct BumpBlock {
    cursor: *const u8,
    limit: *const u8,
    block: Block,
    meta: BlockMeta,

Bump allocation basics

In this struct definition, there are two members that we are interested in to begin with. The other two, limit and meta, will be discussed in the next section.

  • cursor: this is the bump pointer. In our implementation it is the index into the block where the last object was written.
  • block: this is the Block itself in which objects will be written.

Below is a start to a bump allocation function:

impl BumpBlock {
    pub fn inner_alloc(&mut self, alloc_size: usize) -> Option<*const u8> {
        let block_start_ptr = self.block.as_ptr() as usize;
        let cursor_ptr = self.cursor as usize;

        // align to word boundary
        let align_mask: usize = !(size_of::<usize>() - 1);

        let next_ptr = cursor_ptr.checked_sub(alloc_size)? & align_mask;

        if next_ptr < block_start_ptr {
            // allocation would start lower than block beginning, which means
            // there isn't space in the block for this allocation
        } else {
            self.cursor = next_ptr as *const u8;
            Some(next_ptr as *const u8)

In our function, the alloc_size parameter should be a number of bytes of memory requested.

The value of alloc_size may produce an unaligned pointer at which to write the object. Fortunately, by bump allocating downward we can apply a simple mask to the pointer to align it down to the nearest word:

        let align_mask: usize = !(size_of::<usize>() - 1);

In initial implementation, allocation will simply return None if the block does not have enough capacity for the requested alloc_size. If there is space, it will be returned as a Some(*const u8) pointer.

Note that this function does not write the object to memory, it merely returns a pointer to an available space. Writing the object will require invoking the std::ptr::write function. We will do that in a separate module but for completeness of this chapter, this might look something like:

use std::ptr::write;

unsafe fn write<T>(dest: *const u8, object: T) {
    write(dest as *mut T, object);

Some time passes...

After allocating and freeing objects, we will have gaps between objects in a block that can be reused. The above bump allocation algorithm is unaware of these gaps so we'll have to modify it before it can allocate into fragmented blocks.

To recap, in Immix, a block is divided into lines and only whole lines are considered for reuse. When objects are marked as live, so are the lines that an object occupies. Therefore, only lines that are not marked as live are usable for allocation into. Even if a line is only partially allocated into, it is not a candidate for further allocation.

In our implementation we will use the high bytes of the Block to represent these line mark bits, where each line is represented by a single byte.

We'll need a data structure to represent this. we'll call it BlockMeta, but first some constants that we need in order to know

  • how big a line is
  • how many lines are in a block
  • how many bytes remain in the Block for allocating into
pub const LINE_SIZE_BITS: usize = 7;
pub const LINE_SIZE: usize = 1 << LINE_SIZE_BITS;

// How many total lines are in a block
pub const LINE_COUNT: usize = BLOCK_SIZE / LINE_SIZE;

// We need LINE_COUNT number of bytes for marking lines, so the capacity of a block
// is reduced by that number of bytes.

For clarity, let's put some numbers to the definitions we've made so far:

  • A block size is 32Kbytes
  • A line is 128 bytes long
  • The number of lines within a 32Kbyte Block is 256

Therefore the top 256 bytes of a Block are used for line mark bits. Since these line mark bits do not need to be marked themselves, the last two bytes of the Block are not needed to mark lines.

This leaves one last thing to mark: the entire Block. If any line in the Block is marked, then the Block is considered to be live and must be marked as such.

We use the final byte of the Block to store the Block mark bit.

The definition of BumpBlock contains member meta which is of type BlockMeta. We can now introduce the definition of BlockMeta which we simply need to represent a pointer to the line mark section at the end of the Block:

pub struct BlockMeta {
    lines: *mut u8,

This pointer could be easily calculated, of course, so this is just a handy shortcut.

Allocating into a fragmented Block

StickyImmix Fragmented Block

The struct BlockMeta contains one function we will study:

    /// When it comes to finding allocatable holes, we bump-allocate downward.
    pub fn find_next_available_hole(
        starting_at: usize,
        alloc_size: usize,
    ) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
        // The count of consecutive avaliable holes. Must take into account a conservatively marked
        // hole at the beginning of the sequence.
        let mut count = 0;
        let starting_line = starting_at / constants::LINE_SIZE;
        let lines_required = (alloc_size + constants::LINE_SIZE - 1) / constants::LINE_SIZE;
        // Counting down from the given search start index
        let mut end = starting_line;

        for index in (0..starting_line).rev() {
            let marked = unsafe { *self.lines.add(index) };

            if marked == 0 {
                // count unmarked lines
                count += 1;

                if index == 0 && count >= lines_required {
                    let limit = index * constants::LINE_SIZE;
                    let cursor = end * constants::LINE_SIZE;
                    return Some((cursor, limit));
            } else {
                // This block is marked
                if count > lines_required {
                    // But at least 2 previous blocks were not marked. Return the hole, considering the
                    // immediately preceding block as conservatively marked
                    let limit = (index + 2) * constants::LINE_SIZE;
                    let cursor = end * constants::LINE_SIZE;
                    return Some((cursor, limit));

                // If this line is marked and we didn't return a new cursor/limit pair by now,
                // reset the hole search state
                count = 0;
                end = index;


The purpose of this function is to locate a gap of unmarked lines of sufficient size to allocate an object of size alloc_size into.

The input to this function, starting_at, is the offset into the block to start looking for a hole.

If no suitable hole is found, the return value is None.

If there are unmarked lines lower in memory than the starting_at point (bump allocating downwards), the return value will be a pair of numbers: (cursor, limit) where:

  • cursor will be the new bump pointer value
  • limit will be the lower bound of the available hole.

A deeper dive

Our first variable is a counter of consecutive available lines. This count will always assume that the first line in the sequence is conservatively marked and won't count toward the total, unless it is line 0.

        let mut count = 0;

Next, the starting_at and alloc_size arguments have units of bytes but we want to use line count math, so conversion must be done.

         let starting_line = starting_at / constants::LINE_SIZE;
         let lines_required = (alloc_size + constants::LINE_SIZE - 1) / constants::LINE_SIZE;

Our final variable will be the end line that, together with starting_line, will mark the boundary of the hole we hope to find.

        let mut end = starting_line;

Now for the loop that identifies holes and ends the function if either:

  • a large enough hole is found
  • no suitable hole is found

We iterate over lines in decreasing order from starting_line down to line zero and fetch the mark bit into variable marked.

        for index in (0..starting_line).rev() {
            let marked = unsafe { *self.lines.add(index) };

If the line is unmarked, we increment our consecutive-unmarked-lines counter.

Then we reach the first termination condition: we reached line zero and we have a large enough hole for our object. The hole extents can be returned, converting back to byte offsets.

            if marked == 0 {
                count += 1;

                if index == 0 && count >= lines_required {
                    let limit = index * constants::LINE_SIZE;
                    let cursor = end * constants::LINE_SIZE;
                    return Some((cursor, limit));
            } else {

Otherwise if the line is marked, we've reached the end of the current hole (if we were even over one.)

Here, we have the second possible termination condition: we have a large enough hole for our object. The hole extents can be returned, taking the last line as conservatively marked.

This is seen in adding 2 to index:

  • 1 for walking back from the current marked line
  • plus 1 for walking back from the previous conservatively marked line

If this condition isn't met, our search is reset - count is back to zero and we keep iterating.

            } else {
                if count > lines_required {
                    let limit = (index + 2) * constants::LINE_SIZE;
                    let cursor = end * constants::LINE_SIZE;
                    return Some((cursor, limit));

                count = 0;
                end = index;

Finally, if iterating over lines reached line zero without finding a hole, we return None to indicate failure.



Making use of the hole finder

We'll return to the BumpBlock::inner_alloc() function now to make use of BlockMeta and its hole finding operation.

The BumpBlock struct contains two more members: limit and meta. These should now be obvious - limit is the known byte offset limit into which we can allocate, and meta is the BlockMeta instance associated with the block.

We need to update inner_alloc() with a new condition:

  • the size being requested must fit between self.cursor and self.limit

(Note that for a fresh, new block, self.limit is set to the block size.)

If the above condition is not met, we will call BlockMeta::find_next_available_hole() to get a new cursor and limit to try, and repeat that until we've either found a big enough hole or reached the end of the block, exhausting our options.

The new definition of BumpBlock::inner_alloc() reads as follows:

    pub fn inner_alloc(&mut self, alloc_size: usize) -> Option<*const u8> {
        let ptr = self.cursor as usize;
        let limit = self.limit as usize;

        let next_ptr = ptr.checked_sub(alloc_size)? & constants::ALLOC_ALIGN_MASK;

        if next_ptr < limit {
            let block_relative_limit =
                unsafe { self.limit.sub(self.block.as_ptr() as usize) } as usize;

            if block_relative_limit > 0 {
                if let Some((cursor, limit)) = self
                    .find_next_available_hole(block_relative_limit, alloc_size)
                    self.cursor = unsafe { self.block.as_ptr().add(cursor) };
                    self.limit = unsafe { self.block.as_ptr().add(limit) };
                    return self.inner_alloc(alloc_size);

        } else {
            self.cursor = next_ptr as *const u8;

and as you can see, this implementation is recursive.

Wrapping this up

At the beginning of this chapter we stated that given a pointer to an object, by zeroing the bits of the pointer that represent the block size, the result points to the beginning of the block.

We'll make use of that now.

During the mark phase of garbage collection, we will need to know which line or lines to mark, in addition to marking the object itself. We will make a copy of the BlockMeta instance pointer in the 0th word of the memory block so that given any object pointer, we can obtain the BlockMeta instance.

In the next chapter we'll handle multiple BumpBlocks so that we can keep allocating objects after one block is full.