
There are subtleties in memory access alignment:

  • Some hardware architectures and implementations may fault on unaligned memory access.
  • Atomic operations require word-aligned access.
  • SIMD operations typically require double-word-aligned access.
  • In practice on 64 bit architectures, allocators align objects to 8 byte boundaries for 64 bit objects and smaller and 16 byte boundaries for larger objects for performance optimization and the above reasons.

Intel 32 and 64 bit x86 architectures allow general access to be unaligned but will probably incur an access penalty. The story on 32bit ARM and aarch64 is sufficiently similar but there is a higher chance that an ARM core is configured to raise a bus error on a misaligned access.

Another very important factor is atomic memory operations. Atomic access works on a whole word basis - any unaligned access by nature cannot be guaranteed to be atomic as it will probably involve more than one access. To support atomic operations, alignment must be minmally on word boundaries.

SIMD operations, tending to be 128 bits wide or higher, should be aligned to 16 byte boundaries for optimal code generation and performance. Unaligned loads and stores may be allowed but normally these incur performance penalties.

Common alignments

While Intel allows unaligned access (that is, alignment on any byte boundary), the recommended (see section 3.6.4) alignment for objects larger than 64 bits is to 16 byte boundaries.

Apparently system malloc() implementations tend to comply with the 16 byte boundary.

To verify the above, a rough test of both the system allocator and jemalloc on x86_64 by using Box::new() on a set of types (u8, u16, u32, u64, String and a larger struct) confirms a minimum of 8 byte alignment for anything word size or smaller and 16 byte alignment for everything bigger. Sample pointer printouts below are for jemalloc but Linux libc malloc produced the same pattern:

p=0x7fb78b421028 u8
p=0x7fb78b421030 u16
p=0x7fb78b421038 u32
p=0x7fb78b421050 u64
p=0x7fb78b420060 "spam"
p=0x7fb78b4220f0 Hoge { y: 2, z: "ほげ", x: 1 }

Compare with std::mem::align_of<T>() which, on x86_64 for example, returns alignment values:

  • u8: 1 byte
  • u16: 2 bytes
  • u32: 4 bytes
  • u64: 8 bytes
  • any bigger struct: 8

Thus despite the value of std::mem::align_of::<T>(), mature allocators will do what is most pragmatic and follow recommended practice in support of optimal performance.

With all that in mind, to keep things simple, we'll align everything to a double-word boundaries. When we add in prepending an object header, the minimum memory required for an object will be two words anyway.

Thus, the allocated size of an object will be calculated1 by

let alignment = size_of::<usize>() * 2;
// mask out the least significant bits that correspond to the alignment - 1
// then add the full alignment
let size = (size_of::<T>() & !(alignment - 1)) + alignment;


For a more detailed explanation of alignment adjustment calculations, see phil-opp's kernel heap allocator.