Allocating into Multiple Blocks

Let's now zoom out of the fractal code soup one level and begin arranging multiple blocks so we can allocate - in theory - indefinitely.

Lists of blocks

We'll need a new struct for wrapping multiple blocks:

struct BlockList {
    head: Option<BumpBlock>,
    overflow: Option<BumpBlock>,
    rest: Vec<BumpBlock>,

Immix maintains several lists of blocks. We won't include them all in the first iteration but in short they are:

  • free: a list of blocks that contain no objects. These blocks are held at the ready to allocate into on demand
  • recycle: a list of blocks that contain some objects but also at least one line that can be allocated into
  • large: not a list of blocks, necessarily, but a list of objects larger than the block size, or some other method of accounting for large objects
  • rest: the rest of the blocks that have been allocated into but are not suitable for recycling

In our first iteration we'll only keep the rest list of blocks and two blocks to immediately allocate into. Why two? To understand why, we need to understand how Immix thinks about object sizes.

Immix and object sizes

We've seen that there are two numbers that define granularity in Immix: the block size and the line size. These numbers give us the ability to categorize object sizes:

  • small: those that (with object header and alignment overhead) fit inside a line
  • medium: those that (again with object header and alignment overhead) are larger than one line but smaller than a block
  • large: those that are larger than a block

In the previous chapter we described the basic allocation algorithm: when an object is being allocated, the current block is scanned for a hole between marked lines large enough to allocate into. This does seem like it could be inefficient. We could spend a lot of CPU cycles looking for a big enough hole, especially for a medium sized object.

To avoid this, Immix maintains a second block, an overflow block, to allocate medium objects into that don't fit the first available hole in the main block being allocated into.

Thus two blocks to immediately allocate into:

  • head: the current block being allocated into
  • overflow: a block kept handy for writing medium objects into that don't fit the head block's current hole

We'll be ignoring large objects for now and attending only to allocating small and medium objects into blocks.

Instead of recycling blocks with holes, or maintaining a list of pre-allocated free blocks, we'll allocate a new block on demand whenever we need more space. We'll get to identifying holes and recyclable blocks in a later chapter.

Managing the overflow block

Generally in our code for this book, we will try to default to not allocating memory unless it is needed. For example, when an array is instantiated, the backing storage will remain unallocated until a value is pushed on to it.

Thus in the definition of BlockList, head and overflow are Option types and won't be instantiated except on demand.

For allocating into the overflow block we'll define a function in the BlockList impl:

impl BlockList {
    fn overflow_alloc(&mut self, alloc_size: usize) -> Result<*const u8, AllocError> {

The input constraint is that, since overflow is for medium objects, alloc_size must be less than the block size.

The logic inside will divide into three branches:

  1. We haven't got an overflow block yet - self.overflow is None. In this case we have to instantiate a new block (since we're not maintaining a list of preinstantiated free blocks yet) and then, since that block is empty and we have a medium sized object, we can expect the allocation to succeed.
        match self.overflow {
            Some ...,
            None => {
                 let mut overflow = BumpBlock::new()?;
                 // object size < block size means we can't fail this expect
                 let space = overflow
                     .expect("We expected this object to fit!");
                 self.overflow = Some(overflow);
  2. We have an overflow block and the object fits. Easy.
         match self.overflow {
             // We already have an overflow block to try to use...
             Some(ref mut overflow) => {
                 // This is a medium object that might fit in the current block...
                 match overflow.inner_alloc(alloc_size) {
                     // the block has a suitable hole
                     Some(space) => space,
             None => ...
  3. We have an overflow block but the object does not fit. Now we simply instantiate a new overflow block, adding the old one to the rest list (in future it will make a good candidate for recycing!). Again, since we're writing a medium object into a block, we can expect allocation to succeed.
         match self.overflow {
             // We already have an overflow block to try to use...
             Some(ref mut overflow) => {
                 // This is a medium object that might fit in the current block...
                 match overflow.inner_alloc(alloc_size) {
                     Some ...,
                     // the block does not have a suitable hole
                     None => {
                         let previous = replace(overflow, BumpBlock::new()?);
                         overflow.inner_alloc(alloc_size).expect("Unexpected error!")
             None => ...

In this logic, the only error can come from failing to create a new block.

On success, at this level of interface we continue to return a *const u8 pointer to the available space as we're not yet handling the type of the object being allocated.

You may have noticed that the function signature for overflow_alloc takes a &mut self. This isn't compatible with the interior mutability model of allocation. We'll have to wrap the BlockList struct in another struct that handles this change of API model.

The heap struct

This outer struct will provide the external crate interface and some further implementation of block management.

The crate interface will require us to consider object headers and so in the struct definition below there is reference to a generic type H that the user of the heap will define as the object header.

pub struct StickyImmixHeap<H> {
    blocks: UnsafeCell<BlockList>,

    _header_type: PhantomData<*const H>,

Since object headers are not owned directly by the heap struct, we need a PhantomData instance to associate with H. We'll discuss object headers in a later chapter.

Now let's focus on the use of the BlockList.

The instance of BlockList in the StickyImmixHeap struct is wrapped in an UnsafeCell because we need interior mutability. We need to be able to borrow the BlockList mutably while presenting an immutable interface to the outside world. Since we won't be borrowing the BlockList in multiple places in the same call tree, we don't need RefCell and we can avoid it's runtime borrow checking.

Allocating into the head block

We've already taken care of the overflow block, now we'll handle allocation into the head block. We'll define a new function:

impl StickyImmixHeap {
    fn find_space(
        alloc_size: usize,
        size_class: SizeClass,
    ) -> Result<*const u8, AllocError> {
        let blocks = unsafe { &mut *self.blocks.get() };

This function is going to look almost identical to the alloc_overflow() function defined earlier. It has more or less the same cases to walk through:

  1. head block is None, i.e. we haven't allocated a head block yet. Allocate one and write the object into it.
  2. We have Some(ref mut head) in head. At this point we divert from the alloc_overflow() function and query the size of the object - if this is is a medium object and the current hole between marked lines in the head block is too small, call into alloc_overflow() and return.
                 if size_class == SizeClass::Medium && alloc_size > head.current_hole_size() {
                     return blocks.overflow_alloc(alloc_size);
    Otherwise, continue to allocate into head and return.
  3. We have Some(ref mut head) in head but this block is unable to accommodate the object, whether medium or small. We must append the current head to the rest list and create a new BumpBlock to allocate into.

There is one more thing to mention. What about large objects? We'll cover those in a later chapter. Right now we'll make it an error to try to allocate a large object by putting this at the beginning of the StickyImmixHeap::inner_alloc() function:

        if size_class == SizeClass::Large {
            return Err(AllocError::BadRequest);

Where to next?

We have a scheme for finding space in blocks for small and medium objects and so, in the next chapter we will define the external interface to the crate.