
In this chapter we will look at a bytecode compilation target. We'll combine this with a section on the virtual machine interface to the bytecode data structure.

We won't go much into detail on each bytecode operation, that will be more usefully covered in the compiler and virtual machine chapters. Here, we'll describe the data structures involved. As such, this will be one of our shorter chapters. Let's go!

Design questions

Now that we're talking bytecode, we're at the point of choosing what type of virtual machine we will be compiling for. The most common type is stack-based where operands are pushed and popped on and off the stack. This requires instructions for pushing and popping, with instructions in-between for operating on values on the stack.

We'll be implementing a register-based VM though. The inspiration for this comes from Lua 51 which implements a fixed-width bytecode register VM. While stack based VMs are typically claimed to be simpler, we'll see that the Lua way of allocating registers per function also has an inherent simplicity and has performance gains over a stack VM, at least for an interpreted non jit-compiled VM.

Given register based, fixed-width bytecode, each opcode must reference the register numbers that it operates on. Thus, for an (untyped) addition operation x = a + b, each of x, a and b must be associated with a register.

Following Lua, encoding this as a fixed width opcode typically looks like encoding the operator and operands as 8 bit values packed into a 32 bit opcode word. That implies, given 8 bits, that there can be a theoretical maximum of 256 registers for a function call. For the addition above, this encoding might look like this:

    [reg a ][reg b ][reg x ][Add   ]

where the first 8 bits contain the operator, in this case "Add", and the other three 8 bit slots in the 32 bit word each contain a register number.

For some operators, we will need to encode values larger than 8 bits. As we will still need space for an operator and a destination register, that leaves a maximum of 16 bits for larger values.


We have options in how we describe opcodes in Rust.

  1. Each opcode represented by a u32
    • Pros: encoding flexibility, it's just a set of bits
    • Cons: bit shift and masking operations to encode and decode operator and operands. This isn't necessarily a big deal but it doesn't allow us to leverage the Rust type system to avoid encoding mistakes
  2. Each opcode represented by an enum discriminant
    • Pros: operators and operands baked as Rust types at compile time, type safe encoding; no bit operations needed
    • Cons: encoding scheme limited to what an enum can represent

The ability to leverage the compiler to prevent opcode encoding errors is attractive and we won't have any need for complex encodings. We'll use an enum to represent all possible opcodes and their operands.

Since a Rust enum can contain named values within each variant, this is what we use to most tightly define our opcodes.

Opcode size

Since we're using enum instead of a directly size-controlled type such as u32 for our opcodes, we have to be more careful about making sure our opcode type doesn't take up more space than is necessary. 32 bits is ideal for reasons stated earlier (8 bits for the operator and 8 bits for three operands each.)

Let's do an experiment.

First, we need to define a register as an 8 bit value. We'll also define an inline literal integer as 16 bits.

type Register = u8;
type LiteralInteger = i16;

Then we'll create an opcode enum with a few variants that might be typical:

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum Opcode {
    Add {
        dest: Register,
        a: Register,
        b: Register
    LoadLiteral {
        dest: Register,
        value: LiteralInteger

It should be obvious that with an enum like this we can safely pass compiled bytecode from the compiler to the VM. It should also be clear that this, by allowing use of match statements, will be very ergonomic to work with.

Theoretically, if we never have more than 256 variants, our variants never have more than 3 Register values (or one Register and one LiteralInteger sized value), the compiler should be able to pack Opcode into 32 bits.

Our test: we hope the output of the following code to be 4 - 4 bytes or 32 bits.

use std::mem::size_of;

fn main() {
    println!("Size of Opcode is {}", size_of::<Opcode>());

And indeed when we run this, we get Size of Opcode is 4!

To keep an eye on this situation, we'll put this check into a unit test:

    fn test_opcode_is_32_bits() {
        // An Opcode should be 32 bits; anything bigger and we've mis-defined some
        // variant
        assert!(size_of::<Opcode>() == 4);

Now, let's put these Opcodes into an array.

An array of Opcode

We can define this array easily, given that Array<T> is a generic type:

pub type ArrayOpcode = Array<Opcode>;

Is this enough to define bytecode? Not quite. We've accommodated 16 bit literal signed integers, but all kinds of other types can be literals. We need some way of referencing any literal type in bytecode. For that we add a Literals type, which is just:

pub type Literals = List;

Any opcode that loads a literal (other than a 16 bit signed integer) will need to reference an object in the Literals list. This is easy enough: just as there's a LiteralInteger, we have LiteralId defined as

pub type LiteralId = u16;

This id is an index into the Literals list. This isn't the most efficient scheme or encoding, but given a preference for fixed 32 bit opcodes, it will also keep things simple.

The ByteCode type, finally, is a composition of ArrayOpcode and Literals:

pub struct ByteCode {
    code: ArrayOpcode,
    literals: Literals,

Bytecode compiler support

There are a few methods implemented for ByteCode:

  1. fn push<'guard>(&self, mem: &'MutatorView, op: Opcode) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> This function pushes a new opcode into the ArrayOpcode instance.
  2. fn update_jump_offset<'guard>(
        mem: &'guard MutatorView,
        instruction: ArraySize,
        offset: JumpOffset,
    ) -> Result<(), RuntimeError>
    This function, given an instruction index into the ArrayOpcode instance, and given that the instruction at that index is a type of jump instruction, sets the relative jump offset of the instruction to the given offset. This is necessary because forward jumps cannot be calculated until all the in-between instructions have been compiled first.
  3. fn push_lit<'guard>(
        mem: &'guard MutatorView,
        literal: TaggedScopedPtr
    ) -> Result<LiteralId, RuntimeError>
    This function pushes a literal on to the Literals list and returns the index - the id - of the item.
  4. fn push_loadlit<'guard>(
        mem: &'guard MutatorView,
        dest: Register,
        literal_id: LiteralId,
    ) -> Result<(), RuntimeError>
    After pushing a literal into the Literals list, the corresponding load instruction should be pushed into the ArrayOpcode list.

ByteCode and it's functions combined with the Opcode enum are enough to build a compiler for.

Bytecode execution support

The previous section described a handful of functions for our compiler to use to build a ByteCode structure.

We'll need a different set of functions for our virtual machine to access ByteCode from an execution standpoint.

The execution view of bytecode is of a contiguous sequence of instructions and an instruction pointer. We're going to create a separate ByteCode instance for each function that gets compiled, so our execution model will have to be able to jump between ByteCode instances. We'll need a new struct to represent that:

pub struct InstructionStream {
    instructions: CellPtr<ByteCode>,
    ip: Cell<ArraySize>,

In this definition, the pointer instructions can be updated to point at any ByteCode instance. This allows us to switch between functions by managing different ByteCode pointers as part of a stack of call frames. In support of this we have:

impl InstructionStream {
    pub fn switch_frame(&self, code: ScopedPtr<'_, ByteCode>, ip: ArraySize) {

Of course, the main function needed during execution is to retrieve the next opcode. Ideally, we can keep a pointer that points directly at the next opcode such that only a single dereference and pointer increment is needed to get the opcode and advance the instruction pointer. Our implementation is less efficient for now, requiring a dereference of 1. the ByteCode instance and then 2. the ArrayOpcode instance and finally 3. an indexing into the ArrayOpcode instance:

    pub fn get_next_opcode<'guard>(
        guard: &'guard dyn MutatorScope,
    ) -> Result<Opcode, RuntimeError> {
        let instr = self
            .get(guard, self.ip.get())?;
        self.ip.set(self.ip.get() + 1);


The full Opcode definition can be found in interpreter/src/

As we work toward implementing a compiler, the next data structure we need is a dictionary or hash map. This will also build on the foundational RawArray<T> implementation. Let's go on to that now!


Roberto Ierusalimschy et al, The Implementation of Lua 5.0