
Before we get to the basics of compilation, we need another data structure: the humble array. The first use for arrays will be to store the bytecode sequences that the compiler generates.

Rust already provides Vec but as we're implementing everything in terms of our memory management abstraction, we cannot directly use Vec. Rust does not (yet) expose the ability to specify a custom allocator type as part of Vec, nor are we interested in replacing the global allocator.

Our only option is to write our own version of Vec! Fortunately we can learn a lot from Vec itself and it's underlying implementation. Jump over to the Rustonomicon for a primer on the internals of Vec.

The first thing we'll learn is to split the implementation into a RawArray<T> type and an Array<T> type. RawArray<T> will provide an unsafe abstraction while Array<T> will make a safe layer over it.


If you've just come back from Implementing Vec in the Nomicon, you'll recognize what we're doing below with RawArray<T>:

pub struct RawArray<T: Sized> {
    /// Count of T-sized objects that can fit in the array
    capacity: ArraySize,
    ptr: Option<NonNull<T>>,

Instead of Unique<T> for the pointer, we're using Option<NonNull<T>>. One simple reason is that Unique<T> is likely to be permanently unstable and only available internally to std collections. The other is that we can avoid allocating the backing store if no capacity is requested yet, setting the value of ptr to None.

For when we do know the desired capacity, there is RawArray<T>::with_capacity(). This method, because it allocates, requires access to the MutatorView instance. If you'll recall from the chapter on the allocation API, the API provides an array allocation method with signature:

AllocRaw::alloc_array(&self, size_bytes: ArraySize) -> Result<RawPtr<u8>, AllocError>;

This method is wrapped on the interpreter side by Heap and MutatorView and in both cases the return value remains, simply, RawPtr<u8> in the success case. It's up to RawArray<T> to receive the RawPtr<u8> value and maintain it safely. Here's with_capcity(), now:

    pub fn with_capacity<'scope>(
        mem: &'scope MutatorView,
        capacity: u32,
    ) -> Result<RawArray<T>, RuntimeError> {
        // convert to bytes, checking for possible overflow of ArraySize limit
        let capacity_bytes = capacity
            .checked_mul(size_of::<T>() as ArraySize)

        Ok(RawArray {
            ptr: NonNull::new(mem.alloc_array(capacity_bytes)?.as_ptr() as *mut T),


If a RawArray<T>'s content will exceed it's capacity, there is RawArray<T>::resize(). It allocates a new backing array using the MutatorView method alloc_array() and copies the content of the old over to the new, finally swapping in the new backing array for the old.

The code for this is straightforward but a little longer, go check it out in interpreter/src/


Since RawArray<T> will be wrapped by Array<T>, we need a couple more methods to access the raw memory:

impl<T: Sized> RawArray<T> {
    pub fn capacity(&self) -> ArraySize {

    pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> Option<*const T> {
        match self.ptr {
            Some(ptr) => Some(ptr.as_ptr()),
            None => None,

And that's it! Now for the safe wrapper.


The definition of the struct wrapping RawArray<T> is as follows:

pub struct Array<T: Sized + Clone> {
    length: Cell<ArraySize>,
    data: Cell<RawArray<T>>,
    borrow: Cell<BorrowFlag>,

Here we have three members:

  • length - the length of the array
  • data - the RawArray<T> being wrapped
  • borrow - a flag serving as a runtime borrow check, allowing RefCell runtime semantics, since we're in a world of interior mutability patterns

We have a method to create a new array - Array::alloc()

impl<T: Sized + Clone> Array<T> {
    pub fn alloc<'guard>(
        mem: &'guard MutatorView,
    ) -> Result<ScopedPtr<'guard, Array<T>>, RuntimeError>
        Array<T>: AllocObject<TypeList>,

In fact we'll extend this pattern of a method named "alloc" to any data structure for convenience sake.

There are many more methods for Array<T> and it would be exhausting to be exhaustive. Let's go over the core methods used to read and write elements and then an example use case.

Reading and writing

First of all, we need a function that takes an array index and returns a pointer to a memory location, if the index is within bounds:

impl<T: Sized + Clone> Array<T> {
    fn get_offset(&self, index: ArraySize) -> Result<*mut T, RuntimeError> {
        if index >= self.length.get() {
        } else {
            let ptr = self
                .ok_or_else(|| RuntimeError::new(ErrorKind::BoundsError))?;

            let dest_ptr = unsafe { ptr.offset(index as isize) as *mut T };


There are two bounds checks here - firstly, the index should be within the (likely non-zero) length values; secondly, the RawArray<T> instance should have a backing array allocated. If either of these checks fail, the result is an error. If these checks pass, we can be confident that there is array backing memory and that we can return a valid pointer to somewhere inside that memory block.

For reading a value in an array, we need two methods:

  1. one that handles move/copy semantics and returns a value
  2. one that handles reference semantics and returns a reference to the original value in it's location in the backing memory

First, then:

impl<T: Sized + Clone> Array<T> {
    fn read<'guard>(
        _guard: &'guard dyn MutatorScope,
        index: ArraySize,
    ) -> Result<T, RuntimeError> {
        unsafe {
            let dest = self.get_offset(index)?;

and secondly:

impl<T: Sized + Clone> Array<T> {
    pub fn read_ref<'guard>(
        _guard: &'guard dyn MutatorScope,
        index: ArraySize,
    ) -> Result<&T, RuntimeError> {
        unsafe {
            let dest = self.get_offset(index)?;
            Ok(&*dest as &T)

Writing, or copying, an object to an array is implemented as simply as follows:

impl<T: Sized + Clone> Array<T> {
    pub fn read_ref<'guard>(
        _guard: &'guard dyn MutatorScope,
        index: ArraySize,
    ) -> Result<&T, RuntimeError> {
        unsafe {
            let dest = self.get_offset(index)?;
            Ok(&*dest as &T)

These simple functions should only be used internally by Array<T> impl methods. We have numerous methods that wrap the above in more appropriate semantics for values of T in Array<T>.

The Array interfaces

To define the interfaces to the Array, and other collection types, we define a number of traits. For example, a collection that behaves as a stack implements StackContainer; a numerically indexable type implements IndexedContainer, and so on. As we'll see, there is some nuance, though, when it comes to a difference between collections of non-pointer types and collections of pointer types.

For our example, we will describe the stack interfaces of Array<T>.

First, the general case trait, with methods for accessing values stored in the array (non-pointer types):

pub trait StackContainer<T: Sized + Clone>: Container<T> {
    /// Push can trigger an underlying array resize, hence it requires the ability to allocate
    fn push<'guard>(&self, mem: &'guard MutatorView, item: T) -> Result<(), RuntimeError>;

    /// Pop returns a bounds error if the container is empty, otherwise moves the last item of the
    /// array out to the caller.
    fn pop<'guard>(&self, _guard: &'guard dyn MutatorScope) -> Result<T, RuntimeError>;

    /// Return the value at the top of the stack without removing it
    fn top<'guard>(&self, _guard: &'guard dyn MutatorScope) -> Result<T, RuntimeError>;

These are unremarkable functions, by now we're familiar with the references to MutatorScope and MutatorView in method parameter lists.

In any instance of Array<T>, T need only implement Clone and cannot be dynamically sized. Thus T can be any primitive type or any straightforward struct.

What if we want to store pointers to other objects? For example, if we want a heterogenous array, such as Python's List type, what would we provide in place of T? The answer is to use the TaggedCellPtr type. However, an Array<TaggedCellPtr, because we want to interface with pointers and use the memory access abstractions provided, can be made a little more ergonomic. For that reason, we have separate traits for containers of type Container<TaggedCellPtr. In the case of the stack interface this looks like:

pub trait StackAnyContainer: StackContainer<TaggedCellPtr> {
    /// Push can trigger an underlying array resize, hence it requires the ability to allocate
    fn push<'guard>(
        mem: &'guard MutatorView,
        item: TaggedScopedPtr<'guard>,
    ) -> Result<(), RuntimeError>;

    /// Pop returns a bounds error if the container is empty, otherwise moves the last item of the
    /// array out to the caller.
    fn pop<'guard>(
        _guard: &'guard dyn MutatorScope,
    ) -> Result<TaggedScopedPtr<'guard>, RuntimeError>;

    /// Return the value at the top of the stack without removing it
    fn top<'guard>(
        _guard: &'guard dyn MutatorScope,
    ) -> Result<TaggedScopedPtr<'guard>, RuntimeError>;

As you can see, these methods, while for T = TaggedCellPtr, provide an interface based on passing and returning TaggedScopedPtr.

Let's look at the implementation of one of these methods - push() - for both StackContainer and StackAnyContainer.

Here's the code for StackContainer::push():

impl<T: Sized + Clone> StackContainer<T> for Array<T> {
    fn push<'guard>(&self, mem: &'guard MutatorView, item: T) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
        if self.borrow.get() != INTERIOR_ONLY {
            return Err(RuntimeError::new(ErrorKind::MutableBorrowError));

        let length = self.length.get();
        let mut array =; // Takes a copy

        let capacity = array.capacity();

        if length == capacity {
            if capacity == 0 {
                array.resize(mem, DEFAULT_ARRAY_SIZE)?;
            } else {
                array.resize(mem, default_array_growth(capacity)?)?;
            // Replace the struct's copy with the resized RawArray object

        self.length.set(length + 1);
        self.write(mem, length, item)?;

In summary, the order of operations is:

  1. Check that a runtime borrow isn't in progress. If it is, return an error.
  2. Since we must implement interior mutability, the member data of the Array<T> struct is a Cell. We have to get() the content in order to use it.
  3. We then ask whether the array backing store needs to be grown. If so, we resize the RawArray<T> and, since it's kept in a Cell on Array<T>, we have to set() value back into data to save the change.
  4. Now we have an RawArray<T> that has enough capacity, the length is incremented and the object to be pushed is written to the next memory location using the internal Array<T>::write() method detailed earlier.

Fortunately we can implement StackAnyContainer::push() in terms of StackContainer::push():

impl StackAnyContainer for Array<TaggedCellPtr> {
    fn push<'guard>(
        mem: &'guard MutatorView,
        item: TaggedScopedPtr<'guard>,
    ) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
        StackContainer::<TaggedCellPtr>::push(self, mem, TaggedCellPtr::new_with(item))

One last thing

To more easily differentiate arrays of type Array<T> from arrays of type Array<TaggedCellPtr>, we make a type alias List where:

pub type List = Array<TaggedCellPtr>;

In conclusion

We referenced how Vec is implemented internally and followed the same pattern of defining a RawArray<T> unsafe layer with a safe Array<T> wrapper. Then we looked into the stack interface for Array<T> and the implementation of push().

There is more to arrays, of course - indexed access the most obvious, and also a few convenience methods. See the source code in interpreter/src/ for the full detail.

In the next chapter we'll put Array<T> to use in a Bytecode type!